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We’re proud to sponsor the educational goals of our members and/or their children through our scholarship program.

If you'd like to support our scholarship fund, become a member or make a donation today. 

Application Guidelines

Founded in 1975, the mission of the Italian Heritage Society is to honor and preserve the stories, traditions, and culture of the Italian families who immigrated to the Monterey Peninsula and Central Coast of California more than 100 years ago.


STUDENT APPLICATION: All questions must be answered completely. Applications shall be typed or written in ink.


Please sign and date the form, if the question does not apply to your particular situation, respond with N/A, Non-Applicable.


ITALIAN HERITAGE SOCIETY OF MONTEREY PARTICIPATION:  Student and/or parents must be current members of the IHS, at the time of a scholarship award.


SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY:  Students must be graduating from high school, attending college, or enrolling in a vocational institution. Students must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher.   Priority consideration is given to new scholarship applicants, although students continuing in college/university also continue to qualify.


A complete application will include the following:

  • 2 letters of recommendation

  • photo of applicant 

  • 100 word biography 

  • high school transcript


LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Send two letters of recommendation in support of your application. Student's first and last name should appear in the upper right-hand corner of the front page of each letter.


PHOTO AND BIOGRAPHY: Include a 100-word biography and a recent photograph suitable for publication in the IHS newsletter or website.


HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE TRANSCRIPT:  You may request that your school send in official high school or college transcripts of the last high school, college or vocational institution you attended. 


Or you may include a sealed official copy of the transcript from the last high school or college attended along with your application. Unofficial transcripts or photocopies will not be accepted.



The Italian Heritage Society of Monterey is honored to present $1,000 scholarships to those individuals who successfully complete the scholarship application process and achieve the highest ranking.



Application opening date is January 15, 2025.

Closing of applications is April 22, 2025.

Review of applications shall occur prior to April 30, 2025.

Notifications to all candidates shall occur prior to May 21, 2025.

A scholarship awards dinner will be hosted in late May, 2025/early June, 2025. 


Mail to: Italian Heritage Society, Attention: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 367, Monterey, CA 93942.




It is your responsibility to make sure that all parts of your application are complete and the your recommendation letters and transcripts are sent in before the deadline.  


The Italian Heritage Society of Monterey would like to congratulate the following students for applying and being awarded the following scholarships from the italian Heritage Society of Monterey.


2022 Scholarship Recipients


Katherine Hodges $1,000     Gianna Campo $1,000

John Campo $1,000                Gianna Grammatico $1,000

Joseph Bucholtz $500           Adam Bucholtz $500

Katherine Compagno $500  Isabella Cardinale $500


2023 Scholarship Recipients


Anna Gorman $1,000               James Devine $1,000

Caesar Aldisert $1,000            Katherine Hodges $1,000

Gianna Mangiapane $1,000   Lillian Young $1,000


2024 Scholarship Recipients


James Devine $1,200                Eva Usakoff $1,200

Savanah Nicholas $1,200         Katherine Compagno $1,200

Sabella Singh $1,200                 Adam Galinato $1,200

Rachel Galinato $1,200             Noah Kwasnoski $1,200

Katherine Hodges $1,200         Jaden Soliz-Kincaid $1,200

Siri Isabella Panetta $1,200


2025 Scholarship Recipients



In the last three year the Italian Heritage Society of Monterey has donated $25,200 in Scholarships since becoming a 501 C-3 charitable organization.









Mille Grazie to Our Generous Sponsors 

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Contact Us

Italian Heritage Society
P.O. Box 367
Monterey, CA 93942 


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The ITALIAN HERITAGE SOCIETY is a non-profit 501(c)3.  Tax ID #510159447

©2021 by Italian Heritage Society & Elizabeth Panetta

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